AINSE Student Travel Award

  1. Be enrolled in a higher degree by research at the time of application at an AINSE member organisation.
  2. Funding is to be used for flights ONLY to and from the supported Event. Only economy class flights will be supported, and no fully flexible fares.
  3. The applicant must have had a first-authored oral or poster presentation abstract accepted by the conference organisers. The accepted abstract must be submitted along with the application.
  4. The applicant must have a genuine financial need to request travel support. Students with full institutional or grant support for attendance are not eligible.
  5. Applicant must be an ARCAS member.
  6. Submit all required application documents by the deadline May 9th.

Travel awards will be assessed by a group of the ISA committee and applications will be ranked primarily according to (i) financial need and, or, lack of other funding, with secondary consideration given to (ii) the student’s member institution, (iii) benefit to the recipient, and (iv) quality of the abstract, as evidenced by the required application documents. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered by the assessment committee. As funding is limited, we ask students not to apply if they already have other funding to support their travel.

All information provided will be treated as strictly confidential.

The Award Assessment Committee will be a subset of the ISA Organising Committee. 

3. A copy of your first-authored ISA abstract already accepted to the conference.

4. One-page academic CV highlighting the number of attended conferences.

Please submit the online application form with all other required documents attached by midnight AEST May 9th. We aim to notify successful applicants by the May 13th.