ISA2024 International Visitors


In May, Melbourne generally has moderate temperatures and moderate rainfall. Throughout the day, temperatures typically settle at around 17°C. But by evening, they drop to around 9°C. Melbourne in May usually receives moderate rainfall, averaging around 53 mm for the month.


The time zone for Melbourne is Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST). Victoria observes day light saving time. In May, the time difference in Melbourne will be UTC/GMT +10.


Decimal currency is used in Australia with the Australian dollar (AUD) as the basic unit (100 cents = A$1). Notes come in A$100, A$50, A$20, A$10 and A$5 denominations. Coins come in 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, A$1 and A$2 denominations. Currency exchange facilities are available in most banks, hotels and airports and operate normal business hours. Credit cards are accepted at most restaurants and shops, the most widely used being MasterCard, Visa and American Express.


All prices quoted for this conference are inclusive of 10% GST (Goods and Services Tax), unless otherwise specified. GST applies to most goods and services in Australia. 


Electrical current is 240/250V, AC 50Hz. The Australian three-pin power outlet is different from that in many countries, so you will need an adaptor. If your appliances are 110V, check if there is a 110/240V switch. If not, you will need a voltage converter. Universal outlets for 240V or 110V shavers are usually found in leading hotels.


You do not need to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination to travel to and from Australia. 

You must also meet the mask requirements of the airline you travel with. To reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19 and influenza, the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) strongly recommends mask wearing in indoor settings, especially where physical distancing is not possible. 



Under Australia’s universal visa system, all visitors to Australia must have a valid visa to travel to and enter Australia (other than New Zealand passport holders who will normally be granted a Special Category visa on arrival, provided they meet health and character requirements; and permanent residents of Norfolk Island who may be granted a Permanent Resident of Norfolk Island visa on arrival).

Provided you will not be undertaking any paid work or performance while in Australia you will most likely be eligible for one of the following visa options:

  • eVisitor (subclass 651)(Business Stream) visa. 
  • Electronic Travel Authority – ETA (subclass 601). 
  • Visitor (subclass 600)(Business stream) visa.

NB: These are the visa options currently available, however the Department of Home Affairs reserves the right to change regulations. ISA assistance will NOT guarantee a visa grant. Visa applicants must demonstrate that they meet all the legislative requirements for an Australian visa.

The Conference Organisers will provide you with a confirmation of registration letter to assist in your visa application. Confirmation can only be issued to attendees who have registered for the conference and paid their registration fees in full. If you require a confirmation of registration letter, please contact the Conference Organiser, providing your full name as it appears on your passport. The Conference Organiser can NOT include any other personal information in addition to your full name in the confirmation letter.