ISA2024 Schedule

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  Time  Title  PresenterSession
9.00-9.30Welcome to Country  
9.30-10.00Conference Opening  
10.00-10.45Morning Tea
10.45-11.00Bridging the Gap: Integrating Non-Invasive Technologies and Traditional Archaeological Methods in the Comprehensive Exploration of Colonia Ulpia Traiana (Xanten)N. Babucic2
11.00-11.15Unearthing the history of the Victorian Volcanic Plain: Mapping stony rise landforms using remotely sensed data and a machine learning approachS. Fraser2
11.15-11.30Mapping Ancient Lilybaeum. Strategies for complex multi-dimensional areas and different time phases in a two-dimensional WebGISA. Güngör2(Virtual)
11.30-11.45A National Facility for the 3D Imaging of the Near SurfaceI. Moffat2
11.45-12.00Session 2 – Extra discussion  
12.00-13.10Poster session A 
13.10-14.15 Lunch  
14.15-14.30Combined hyperspectral imaging with portable spectroscopic investigations of Paleolithic cave art in the Font-de-Gaume caveI. Reiche1
14.30-14.45Using spectroscopy to disentangle the chemistry of Australian plant exudates from a unique historical collectionR. Popelka-Filcoff1
14.45-15.00Multi-analytical Characterization of Ochre Pigments in Eswatini Rock ArtS. Mahan1
15.00-15.15Looking Closer: Indigenous Ochre Pigment Materiality and Rock Art Painters at Babine Lake, CanadaB.L. MacDonald1
15.15-15.30A new approach to ochre provenance: Using mineral magnetism to fingerprint cultural ochre sources.M. Crombie1(Virtual)
15.30-15.45Ochre: documenting sources and roasting ‘Bininj way’ in Mirarr Country, The Alligator Rivers Regions, Northern Australia.J. Huntley1
15.45-16.00Session 1 – Extra discussion  
16.00-16.30 Afternoon tea/posters  
16.30-17.15 Keynote “Two ways to see”, A Rock Art Research JourneyI. Waina, A. Gleadow 
18.00-20.00Welcome reception  


TimeTitle                         PresenterSession
9.00-9.15Underwater archaeological sites and climate change: experimental study of the impact of ocean acidification on historical stone materialsL. Germinario8
9.15-9.30The influence of Mg in the cementation processes of ancient binding compositesV. Razzante 8
9.30-9.45A Geochemical approach for tracing the Provenance of Mortar Binders – a case study from SagalassosM. Quilici8
9.45-10.00Developing an analysis technique of earthen architecture materials through soil micromorphologyS. Piña Guido8(Virtual)
10.00-10.15Extra discussion  
10.15-10.45Morning tea  
10.45-11.00An archaeometric study of two sets of decorated wall plasters from the Agora of Nea Paphos, CyprusP. Pizzo8
11.00-11.15Building cisterns in ancient Cyprus: A diachronic study of plaster application and use.M. Kalofonou8
11.15-11.30Extra discussion session 8  
11.30-12.40Poster session A 
12.50-13.45Panel Discussion: International Atomic Energy Agency
13.45-14.00Practical advances towards safer analysis of heritage samples and objectsA. Simon8
14.00-14.15An experimental approach for a microwear study on Pinctada margaritifera from French PolynesiaJ. McGloin5
14.15-14.30Residues and use wear traces on chipped stone artefacts from the Lake Mungo lunette in the Willandra Lakes Region World Heritage Area in south-eastern Australia.N. Stern5
14.30-14.45Agriculture in the Highlands: perspectives from 3rd millennium BC Sos Höyük and Rabati.C. Longford7
14.45-15.00New phytolith reference collections for reconstructing human-environment interactions in Sahul: standards moving forwardM. Turnbull7
15.00-15.15Trace element geochemistry in tufas suggests a much wetter early Holocene in the Darling Downs, QueenslandJ. Mulder7
15.15-15.30Inter and intra-species variability in herbivore dental tribology patterns as paleoenvironmental indicators: Paleoecological implications for the Pleistocene of the LevantM. Belmaker7
15.30-15.45Sessions 5 and 7 – Extra discussion  
15.45-16.15Afternoon tea/posters  
16.15-16.30Axes of power, axes of toil: the production and use wear of the ancient Egyptian and Nubian copper alloy axe blades within their contexts of useM. Odler5
16.30-16.45Unveiling geoarchaeological origins of stone arhat statuettes in Naju, KoreaB. Chang5
16.45-17.00Quantifying the influence of argilliturbation on lithic artefacts in clay-rich soils: a case study from Middle Gidley Island, Murujuga, northwest Western AustraliaC. Mather5
17.00-17.45Keynote Biomolecular archaeology: challenging the futureE. Oras 
18.00-20.00ECR event


  TimeTitle  Presenter Session 
9.00-9.15Interdisciplinary research to understand the formation and age of rock varnish at Murujuga, Western AustraliaY.L. Wu 3
9.15-9.30To what extent high resolution mCT-scanning of hominin fossil remains may impact ESR and Radiocarbon dating results?M.Duval 3
9.30-9.45A Turkana Tale: Stratigraphic complexities in interpreting ultra-high resolution 40Ar-39Ar ages of closely spaced tuffs in Nadung’a, West TurkanaS. Samim 3
9.45-10.55Morning tea/Poster session B  
10.55-11.10Dose assessment of two fossil tooth fragments from Jebel Irhoud (Morocco) and Broken Hill (Zambia) using the SA decomposition CO2- radicals model in ESR datingW. Yu 3
11.10-11.25Chronometric ages for Australian Aboriginal Rock ArtD. Finch 3
11.25-11.40Long and local trade in the Chalcolithic of the southern Iberia: The case of funerary votive assemblages from Perdigões, PortugalI. Dias 5
11.40-11.55A new method for quantifying flake scar organisation on cores using orientation statisticsS. Lin 5


  TimeTitle  Presenter  Session
9.30-9.45The power of strontium – Exploring the full potential of strontium concentrations and isotope ratios in bioarchaeologyC. Snoek4
9.45-10.00Evidence for a microbial source of oxalate in rock coatings based on trace organic analysisH. Green4
10.00-10.15Oxalic acid in atmospheric aerosols as a possible source of calcium oxalate rock coatingsJ. Russ4
10.15-10.45Morning tea  
10.45-11.55Poster session B 
12.00-12.15Identifying Elephant Species on Archaeological Ivory (…or not)M. Murillo-Barroso4
12.15-12.30A fresh perspective on infrared spectroscopy as a prescreening method for molecular and stable isotopes analyses on ancient human bonesC. Scaggion4(Virtual)
12.30-12.45Collagen preservation in animal bones from tropical environments. Developing a baseline for palaeoproteomic analysis in Indo-Pacific archaeological sitesS. Samper Carro4
12.45-13.00Session 4 – Extra discussion  
14.00-14.15Palaeohistopathology of Treponematosis: the value of histomorphometric analyses in infectious disease investigationsK. Cooke4
14.15-14.30Waves of change: Exploring socio-economic transformations in Western Eurasia through biomolecular and geochemical approachesL. Pospieszny4
14.30-14.45Ceramic technologies in transition, or continuation? A petrographic and geochemical study of Hellenistic to Roman Imperial tableware from Sagalassos (SW Anatolia)C. Kelepeshi6
14.45-15.00Variability in chaînes opératoires for negative painted pottery from Nariño, ColombiaC. Klesner6
15.00-15.15A multi-analytical approach applied to pottery from Oman as a key to understanding ancient Indian Ocean maritime trade.D. Zampierin 6(Virtual)
15.15-15.30Sessions 4 and 6 – Extra discussion  
 15.30-17.00Afternoon tea/posters/AGM ISA and SAS  
17.00-17.15The copper provenance in the Shang period ChinaS. Liu6
17.15-17.30Technical and economic history of Western Han dynasty revealed by mirrors from Zonglvcheng cemetery, Linzi, ChinaJ. Gao6
17.30-17.45The Empire of Silver: An insight of the Ming Dynasty silver-based monetary system from stylistic and scientific investigation of Ming silver BullionsT. Liu6


  TimeTitle  Presenter  Session
9.00-9.15A comprehensive archaeometric study of the first half of the 1st millennium BCE glass from South Etruria and LatiumM. Gulmini6
9.15-9.30Piecing the shattered past: discovering the stained glass of late medieval DubrovnikA. Franjic6
9.30-9.45Using Sr and Nd isotopes to provenance plant-ash glass from the Silk RoadsQ.-Q. Lu6
9.45-10.00Characterization and new insights of the Warring States period faience beads from Gansu, ChinaL. Liu6
10.00-10.15Microstructure Analysis and Coloring Mechanism of the Jian BowlsW. Li6
10.15-10.30Transformation and Adoption: 8th-13th Century Technical Innovations in Pottery in Raqqa Syri a within a Comparative Study between it and Chinese Turquoise-Glazed WareL. Qin6
10.30-10.45Production of arsenical bronze using speiss on the Elephantine Island (Aswan, Egypt) during the Middle Kingdom (Middle Bronze Age)J. Kmosek 6(Virtual) 
 10.45-11.15Morning tea  
11.15-11.30Inferring Metallurgical Practices from Metallurgical Ceramic Fragments at Mayapan, MexicoJ. Meanwell6
11.30-11.45Reintegrating the local into the global: intra-regional movements and the symbolic values of imported Muisca gold (Colombia, AD 600-1600)J. Vieri6
11.45-12.00Metals meet culture: Management and hoarding of metals in prehistoric southeastern EuropeV. Orfanou6
12.00-12.15Searching for the origins of early Islamic brass-making in the Middle East and Western AsiaM. Davis6
12.15-13.25Poster Session B 
13.30-13.45Active arsenical copper alloying in the ancient Nile ValleyF. Rademakers6
13.45-14.00Copper-based metals from el Argar (Antas, Spain). A first detailed case study about Bronze Age metallurgy in IberiaI. Montero-Ruiz6
14.00-14.15Session 6 – Extra discussion  
14.15-14.45Poster Session B
14.45-15.15Afternoon tea  
15.15-16.30Closing ceremony/Awards  
19.00-22.00Conference dinner  

Poster Session A (Monday & Tuesday)

Board NumberPoster TitlePresenter
1Shining light on Aboriginal Australian ochre pigment provenanceN. Abrahams
2Study of Newly Discovered Prehistoric Rock Art Sites in Panna District of Madhya Pradesh, IndiaY.S. Farswan
3Understanding rock art canvas options: whole rock trace element compositions of Rosemary Island and Burrup Peninsula gabbros (Dampier Archipelago, Western Australia)I. Pathirage
4Colourants in Illuminated Islamic Manuscripts: Qajar Period (1789–1925 C.E.), early modern IranM. Darzi
5Geophysical methods, unmarked graves and the effects of seasonal rainfall on their detection.A. Frost
6Digital documentation of Ancestral Pueblo rock art from the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument, Mesa Verde region, southwestern Colorado (USA)N. Kowalik
7Radiocarbon Dating of Mummified Human Remains from the Maranga Archaeological Complex, PeruJ. Bąk
8Regional paleomagnetism: towards a new dating tool for Australian ArchaeologyA. Lise-Pronovost
9Luminescence dating of Middle Palaeolithic site of Cova del Puntal del Gat (Benirredrà, València, Spain) – The challenge of calcite-rich contextsI. Dias (behalf A.L. Rodrigues)
10Application 40Ar/39Ar radiometric dating to archaeology: Case studies from Budj Bim, SE Australia and Turkana, KenyaH. Dalton
11A multi-analitycal approach for tracking the provenance of stone materials used in the Roman towns of the Veneto region (North-Eastern Italy)V. Razzante (behalf of S.Dilaria)
12Marble Source Identification in the Provincial Roman City of Cuicul (Djemila, Algeria)R. Tykot (behalf of J. Hermann)
13Update of the Hispanic marble analytical database. Application to the archaeometry of Roman and Medieval piecesM.P. Lapuente Mercadal
14New Results from the Australasian pXRF Archaeological Researchers CollectiveM. Richards
15Damage and restoration of stone cultural pagoda composed of carbonate rockJ. Seo
16Digital conservation of the megalithic landscape of LaosL. Shewan
17Quantitative use-wear analysis by optical profilometry of percussive stone tools from Kenya (Nyayanga, Early Stone Age)L. Germinario (behalf of I.Caricola)
18Late Bronze/Early Iron Age Obsidian Use at Santa Barbara di Bauladu in Sardinia (Italy)R. Tykot
19Sourcing of Obsidian Artifacts from Corbeddu Cave (Sardinia, Italy)R. Tykot
20What can Conomurex luhuanus tell us about the shellfishing behaviours of First Nations communities on the Great Barrier Reef?M. Aldioostsalimi
21Human-Environment Interactions at Zhaoguo Cave, southwestern China, from 38,000 cal BP to modern timesS. Bestel
22Grave Insights: Cross-Species Health in pig burials at Manihina cemetery (Marquesas, Polynesia)I. Claringbold
23Palaeoclimatic support for the Pleistocene ‘superhighway’ through central AustraliaC. Gould-Whaley
24High-resolution paleoenvironmental reconstructions of MIS 3 Central Europe from oxygen and carbon isotope signatures in mammal teethZ. Liu
25Western Micronesian Archaeology Recorded in Lake SedimentsJ. Nalbant
26The palaeoenvironmental context for early Pleistocene Homo dispersals in the Levant from multi proxy analyses of gastropod shells, Ubeidiya, IsraelA. Prendergast
27People, mussels, and Country: Investigating human-mussel-environment relationships during the Late Quaternary on Ngintait and Latji Latji Country, south-east AustraliaC. Stringer
28Spectroscopic Characterization of Historic Fabrics: The Bossi Book, the Journal of the American Chemical Society, and other Surprising Sources of Dyestuff SamplesM.K. Donais
29Can X-ray analyses help in authentication of papyrus dealer provenance narratives?A. Mohamed
30Procedural modelling as a tool for the study of ancient port developments. Nea Paphos case studyM. Nowak
31An archaeometric study of two sets of decorated wall plasters from the Agora of Nea Paphos, CyprusP. Pizzo

Poster Session B (Wednesday to Friday)

Board NumberPoster TitlePresenterSession
1Imaging Diagnostics of Funeral Urns from Chazuta – Introductory RemarksJ. Bąk4
2Bucktooth and Dogtooth: Insights from Stable Isotopes on Diet, Territoriality, and Human-Animal Interaction in the Kentucky BluegrassR. Tykot (behalf of R.M. Bonzani)4
3Historical visits to northern Australia by island Southeast Asian mariners: Assessing their regions of origin, the forest and marine commodities they exported, and chronology, through archival research and residue analysis of their discarded earthenwareK. Clayton4
4“Betel juice, betel juice, betel juice”: experimenting with stimulant narcotic Areca catechu L., ArecaceaeI.E. Dilkes-Hall4
5Do bivalve shells have uniform trace element distributions in contemporaneous growth increments? Investigating Tridacna shells through LIBSB. Dong4
6Shifting foodways: biomolecular archaeology in VanuatuM. Leclerc4
7Life on a troubled border: Preliminary results from stable isotope investigations at a late medieval site in Dalmatia, CroatiaB. Muir4
8Examining Mobility at Sultana, Romania during the Eneolithic through Strontium Isotopic Analyses of Plants and Human Tooth EnamelR. Tykot (behalf of A. Tafani)4
9Gas-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Profiling of Organic Residues from Sicilian Early Bronze Age Pottery: First Evidence for Consumption of Horse MeatR. Tykot (behalf of D. Tanasi)4
10Social Status and Dietary Variation in Medieval Coastal KenyaR. Tykot4
11The Early Medieval Transition in Northeastern Italy: Data on Diet and MobilityR. Tykot (behalf of A. Vianello)4
12Sophisticated cattle husbandry strategies at Halehaxite in the Tianshan Mountains: evidence from stable isotope and aDNA analysisC. Yu4
13Preindustrial Copper Smelting in Western Mexico: A Technological ReconstructionB. Maldonado6
14Let the sherds speak: Petrographic analysis of new ceramic finds from Ormi, Eastern Torres StraitE. Nutman6
15Crafting Neolithic Narratives: A Comprehensive Study of Pottery and Plaster Technologies in Makri, Northern GreeceA. Barouda6
16Beneath the Surface: An Investigation of the Final Neolithic Banded Pottery in Taiwan through SEM-EDS and PetrographyI.T. Chen6
17Intra vessel variation: 3D geometric morphometrics of pre-Hispanic ceramics from the Nariño region of ColombiaR.R. Crawford6
18Using petrography, laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICPMS) and portable X-ray fluorescence (p-XRF) to distinguish between sherds made in the Markham Valley and Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea.K. Hardy6
19Preliminary study on the material of the bianqing excavated from the Tomb of the Marquis of Haihun in Nanchang, ChinaQ. Peng6
20Provenance of Greco-Italic amphorae in the Pontine region, southern Lazio, during the Middle RepublicG.W. Tol6
21Sourcing Pottery from the Site of Ch’uxuqullu on the Island of the Sun (Lake Titicaca, Bolivia)R. Tykot6
22“Twinkling” needles in the hay: An analytical exploration of early mediaeval glazed pottery (7th-9th/10th CE) in the Eastern Mediterranean. A preliminary report.T. Vasileiou6
23Research on the Application of Intelligent Technology in the Dissemination of Ceramic CultureX. Wang6
24Non-destructive analyses of Early Iron Age ceramics from Obobogo (Centre- Cameroon, west central Africa)Z.L. Epossi Ntah6
25Lead isotope analysis for provenancing ancient materials: is overlap the end of the story?S. De Ceuster6
26Mass production of iron in Han Period China: evidence from the Xiahewan siteM. Jiang6
27Highly varied copper trace elements pattern from one smelting site revealed by LA-ICP-MS analysisJ. Lin6
28X-ray fluorescence studies of 3rd Millennium BC copper-based metallic objects from the Alto Guadiato valley (Córdoba). Technological choices. Different metallurgical traditions in Southern Iberia. The Alto Guadiato valley (Córdoba) as a case study.Murillo-Barroso/ Montero6
29Archaeometallurgy in inland Iberia: Mineralogical and chemical study of slags to investigate iron manufacture in the Celtiberian during the early Roman periodJ. Pérez-Arantegui6
30X-ray imaging for Heritage Science: results and perspectives at UniTO/INFN/CCRA. Re6
31Analyses of Metallic Slag from Khanak: An Indus Civilization Site in North West Indiaus Civilization Siteus CivizationR.N. Singh6
32Resolving the complex mixing history of ancient Chinese bronzes by Manifold Learning and a Bayesian Mixing ModelZ. Sun6
33New Insights into Chalcolithic Metallurgy in Europe: pXRF Analyses Performed on the Copper-Based Artifacts from the Gumelnița and Vidra Sites (Southeastern Romania)R. Tykot6
34Egyptian coffin “pastes”: application of a new analytical protocol to the coffin set of Nespawershefyt (21st Dynasty, Thebes)C. Zaggia6
35Research progress of the manufacturing place of the bronzes unearthed from the Sanxingdui siteX. Zeng6
36Looking at the manufacturing technique of a tiny golden filigree from the Chiaravalle CrossD. Di Martino6