ISA2024 Poster and Presentation Guidelines

Poster presentations will be displayed according to the daily schedule of the conference in the poster display area within the exhibition space. We encourage you to stand near your poster to answer questions during the designated poster session.  

Size: Posters are required to be A0 in size (W:841mm x H:1189mm OR W:33.1 x H:46.8 inches) or smaller and in portrait orientation to fit the display panel. Nothing larger can be accommodated. 

Title: The title should be the same as in the submitted abstract. Your name(s) and Institution(s) should also be displayed on the poster.

Content: Ensure all text is large enough to be read from a distance of 1.5m. Keep the text concise and easy to read. Focus on presenting enough data to support conclusions rather than detailing your entire research history. Use diagrams and photographs instead of excessive data. Simplify and present methods clearly. Incorporate pictures, symbols, and colour. Provide short but informative figure legends. Graphs should have brief headings. Results should align with your original abstract submission.

  • Title: 75 pt
  • Authors: 47 pt
  • Sub-heading: 35 pt
  • Body text: 24 pt
  • Caption: 18 pt
  • Font style: Arial and Verdana are pleasing to the reader’s eye

We encourage you to print off some A4 copies/handouts of your poster (including contact details) and place them with your poster for delegates to take.

Scotts Print and Design 
670 Swanston St, Carlton VIC 3053, Australia